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About us

Bernice and Trish met about 9 years ago when they both owned French stores in Thorndon Wellington. 

Bernice owned French & Co and Trish Zincplus. Although quite different, Bernice with her softer more traditional style and Trish with her French industrial style, the common love of France and all things French brought them together.

Since then, they have both been on buying trips to France together, getting up early for the markets and filling containers, often with the help of the locals. It has been interesting seeing how at times their tastes have merged and sometimes they have even fought (good naturedly of course) over the same things. Everything they buy in France is hand-picked. They are so discerning (some might say fussy) they have been known to find nothing at all suitable in some Brocante stores and markets.

We hope you all enjoy Pop up France Brocante as we certainly enjoy bringing these lovely pieces home to NZ for you.

Bernice and Trish from Pop up France

Bernice & Trish

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